Ceux qui découvrent le golf (et ceux qui les côtoient…) sont souvent surpris par le vocabulaire et les expressions particulières des golfeurs : Ésotérisme? Snobisme? Élitisme? Abus de l’anglais et du franglais ???
Chaque sport a son vocabulaire : what the spectators of a football match shout when the ball goes out of bounds over the goal line after having ...
Golf in a few lines ...
Le Golf : Recreation ? That is not the issue ...
Let the naysayers ask the question forever ... One day you may find yourself, clubs in hand and passionate,walking the fairways ! these new then converted understand that golf is much more than a sport or a hobby : it's a pleasure, a drug, a priesthood, the eighth capital sin ...
“The golf course is a pleasant stroll spoiled by ...
Golf Origination : history and mysteries
“Le golf apprend énormément sur le caractère des individus.Jouez un seul parcours avec quelqu’un, and you will know much more about him in dozens of dinners in town. Just watch how a player approaches the hole to remove the ball and you will know if he thinks to respect the green and the other players ...” Harvey PENICK
No one knows exactly the origins of golf or what ...